For all Washingtonians who want
property rights to be protected . . .
Last year, the Y2Y bill was
defeated in House Committee, largely through the diligent efforts of
Representative Joel Kretz. At the time, Senator Jacobsen said it would be
brought up again this Session, and here it is.
One recurring question during
the last round was, since Washington DFW already cooperates with the Y2Y project
on an informal basis, why do they need a statutory requirement to do so from the
As a reminder, the Y2Y project
is in search of at least one state (Idaho, Washington, Montana) or province
(Alberta, British Columbia), within its boundaries, for official
endorsement. What is not mentioned is that there are several more of these
“mega-corridor” projects in various planning stages, including one that would
encompass most of the Cascades, and would likely branch to include a corridor
from the Cascades to the Olympics, with much of the Olympic Peninsula eventually
becoming core habitat for keystone predators.
Senate Bill 5064 (Management of the Yukon to
Yellowstone Rocky mountain ecosystem)
Introduced by Sen. Ken Jacobsen, (D-Seattle) (D) on
January 12, 2009, directs the department of natural resources to participate in
the cooperative programs of the Yukon to Yellowstone conservation area with
wildlife management agencies and conservation organizations in other states and
provinces comprising the Canadian Rocky mountains ecoregional area.